Fabiola's ♥ Pet Care
Pet Sitting & Dog Walking Services
Q: How long has Fabiola's Pet Care Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Services been in business?
A: Fabiola's Pet Care Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Services has been in business since 2000.
Q: Who are your pet sitters?
A: We have approximately 10 pet sitters working with us and that number is increasing all the time! We carefully screen all potential pet sitters, and they come from a variety of backgrounds. All of our pet sitters have one thing in common they are all true pet lovers! We are always happy to share additional information about our petsitters or arrange a meeting with a pet sitter at your request.
Q: Why would I want to use a professional pet sitter? Isn't boarding just as good for my pets?
A: Many animals, especially cats and other elderly or medicated animals, are more comfortable in their own homes where familiar sights and sounds reassure them in their owner's absence. Hiring a pet sitter also eliminates the possibility of your pet catching any of the contagious diseases that can be easily spread in boarding facilities.
Q: I've never used a pet sitter before - what do I do first?
A: Give us a call! Calling our office gives you a chance to ask questions, learn about our policies and procedures, and build a rapport with our office staff. We, in turn, are able to gather the important information we need to find the perfect pet sitter for your animal(s).
Q: Will someone come meet me and my pet before I begin using your service?
A: Definitely! All of our clients need to have an initial consultation before we can provide service. The consultation gives you and your pets a chance to meet the sitter who will be caring for your pets, and it's our opportunity to gather the very detailed information we need to care for your pets and home appropriately. The typical consultation takes 30 minutes.
Q: What will the pet sitter do when they visit my house?
A: Our routine visits are about 15/30/45/60 minutes long (depends of which service you choose). That time is spent primarily to make sure that your pet is taken care of. We will play with your pet , take for a walk/ potty. We will also feed, freshen water, administer any medications, and take care of elimination clean-up. Our primary focus is pet care, but if time allows we will pick up your mail and newspapers, water centrally located plants
Q: Do you bring your own supplies (pet food, cat litter, treats, etc.)?
A: No! Because all pets have different needs, you must provide enough supplies to last for your entire trip. This should include extra food, bottled water (if necessary), cat litter, treats, and waste retrieval baggies. Should you run out, our sitters are certainly able to do some shopping for you but there is an additional charge for that service.
Q: How do I know a pet sitter has visited my house?
A: Our pet sitters will leave notes or they will send a text update after each visit, describing what they did and how your pet what your pet did during the visit. These notes often contain wonderful insights into your pet's behavior, so we encourage you to read them carefully!
Q: Can you administer medications to my pet?
A: Absolutely. We have many sitters experienced in giving pills, insulin injections, and subcutaneous fluids. Be sure to tell the office about any medication needs when you call to schedule your visits. Please also inform your Pet care team if your pets have any type of allergies.
Q: Will you let my dog exercise off leash?
A: Only if we are instructed to play with your dog in a fenced in back yard. Our pet sitters are not allowed to let dogs off leash as per local ordinances.
Q: Can you also water my plants, pick up my mail, take out the garbage, and organize my closets?
A: We're happy to water your plants, pick up your mail, take out the garbage. We will not organize your closet or do house cleaning unless you have talked with our office and have agreed to pay a fee for any extra services ! Our basic visit prices include mail and package retrieval, watering indoor plants in a central location, and taking your outdoor trash to the curb on the designated pick up day.
Q: Will you always send the same pet sitter to my home?
A: Our goal is to keep the same pet sitters with the same pets! We understand that pet sitters form bonds with clients and their pets, and we always try to send the same sitter to your home. However, vacations, job changes, and full schedules do not always allow this.
Q: How do I get my keys back after I return home?
A: About 95% of our clients choose to leave their keys with us so that we are prepared for future visits and any last-minute trips that may come up. If you request service frequently, your primary sitter may keep one set of your keys with him/her so they are ready to go when you call! The second set of keys and "occasional" client keys (i.e., clients who use our services only a couple of times per year) are kept in locked cabinets in our office. If you decide at any time that you would like your keys returned to you, we can drop off your keys.
Q: What do I do if I need pet care on an emergency basis?
A: Our office hours are 7AM - 10PM Monday - Sunday. We monitor our messages regularly after hours and on weekends, and will return urgent messages as soon as they are received. We are usually able to accommodate last minute requests, (requests for service within 48 hours) although holiday seasons will book up early. Please call us as soon as you have made travel plans so we can get your visits schedule